Wednesday, March 21, 2007

9/11 Truthers Disrupt Dallas Anti-War Protest

Anti-war protesters quit in disgust

(BNN – March 21, 2007 – Dallas, Texas) Tension escalated between the 9/11 Truth Movement and the anti-war Left Monday when 9/11 Truthers disrupted hundreds of anti-war protesters on the 4th anniversary of the start of the Iraq invasion, 9/ (not to be confused with this site,, reported Wednesday under its headline, “Dallas brings 9-11 truth to end the war protest.”

Anti-war protest organizer, Duke Spencer, said, “…amid the majority of straight line anti-war protesters, was a small group of local 9-11 truth activists who represented the exploding 9-11 truth movement with signs, information, flyers, deception dollars and hundreds of free DVDs… It was appalling.”

Tension has been mounting for months as the Left increasingly criticized the nascent 9/11 Truth Movement as bizarre, disconnected, and “fruity.” Last November, Alexander Cockburn wrote in Counterpunch:

“Five years after the attacks, 9/11 conspiracism has now penetrated deep into the American left… Like mad Inquisitors, they pounce on imagined clues in documents and photos, torturing the data ­- as the old joke goes about economists -- till the data confess… 9/11 conspiracism stems from despair and political infantilism. There's no worthwhile energy to transfer from such kookery. It's like saying some lunatic shouting to himself on a street corner has the capacity to be a great orator.”

Chants of "9-11 was inside job!", could be heard as 9/11 Truthers crisscrossed through the crowd of anti-war protestors sporting masks and signs unknown in Texas till now, reported. Great orators were not to be found in this group.

The anti-war protest broke up before reaching it’s objective of staging a block party on the future Bush Presidential Library as protestors left in disgust and disappointment.

One angry protestor approached this BNN correspondent. “Everywhere we show up for planned anti-war protests these days these 9/11 conspiracy clowns show up to turn our show of principled solidarity into a sideshow circus. The last thing we need when ending our protest today at the Number One Clown’s future presidential library site is looking like bigger clowns than him!”



ConsDemo said...

Not wanting to be seen as "defending Bush" many of the left have tried to ignore 9/11 "twoofers" for too long. I have no love of Bush but 9/11 twoof is more anti-American than anti-Bush, plus they are dishonest and stupid. They should be repudiated at every turn.

Thanks for your blog.

pollenb said...

Is being Anti-American a crime or a sin?

'Fraid not.

It only exists in the narrow minds of so called patriots - ex slaves on the most part.

Apart from that, "9/11" is not a "conspiracy theory". "9/11" was a gross crime perpetrated by the Americans against the world!!

We have every goddam right to be angry!

Anonymous said...

This story is totally bogus. I was there. Stop making this stuff up. Who is paying you to write this crap?

Zionist Occupied Governments said...

Is does seem enevitable that 9/11 Truth movement will become militant.
We know the truth. Its sickening to stand in a world where all these zombie retards are walking around in their post-Osama perception spouting political views that are undermined principally by the facts. These people, these 9/11 Officiale kooks refuse to even look at the evidence. They refuse to sit down and read anything, even when its short and concise like David Ray Griffin's work here:
That article completely blows the official WTC story out of the water, or should I say out of the blood thats on their hands of 650,000 innocent Iraqi civilians.
I can't live in this world of morons. Either I will have to die or they will have to die. Or they will have to sit down and face the facts.

Buddy(aka-The Goozler) said...

look you've got links to screw loose change on your site they got exposed as a government operation last week one one of thier crew defected and told all.
We know this a government paid blog we know us centcom amitted to fake blogs why don't you grow up and quit writing false stories you american hating trash everyone knows it was a peacefull preotest and evryone got along.

Anonymous said...

, Duke Spencer, said, “…amid the majority of straight line anti-war protesters, was a small group of local 9-11 truth activists who represented the exploding 9-11 truth movement with signs, information, flyers, deception dollars and hundreds of free DVDs… It was appalling.”

There is no way that is a real quote. All you did was take the first part of the quote from the texans 911 truth article, and post "it was appalling", at the end. I guess you just want to give away that your a payed fed don't you?

911_truthiness said...

Gee... It's almost like the Bush administration wants to discredit the anti war movement by send out a bunch of idiotic conspiracy theorist to make all opposed to the war look like the same sort of dimwits.

911_truthiness said...

You mean David Ray Griffin's the THEOLOGIAN who pretends to know structural engineering?

"I can't live in this world of morons. Either I will have to die"

Then by all means die and improve the gene pool.

911_truthiness said...

On one side you have the ill informed "love it or leave it" morons who real believe everything Bush says and on the other
Low Life Leftist

The clueless who kid themselves that they are so progressive.

Anonymous said...

There is a video of this event that discredits everything you wrote above. Good try.

911_truthiness said...

"There is a video of this event that discredits everything you wrote above. Good try."

So you have a video that does NOT show 911 truthers at this anti war rallye.

But you see this would only show the That VIDEO does not show truthers, NOT that they were not truthers at the rallye.

I know logic is not a strong suite with truther types, But come on!

tnoller said...

There is a video of this event that discredits everything you wrote above. Good try.

You mean like a blurry video taken from the North of WTC7 discrediting that it actually collapsed due to structural damage?

Yes you idiots are known for seeing things in videos which weren't there. So chances are that when you don't see something on a video you claim as evidence it WAS actually there to start with.

Jenny Quarx said...

This story is totally bogus. I was there. Stop making this stuff up. Who is paying you to write this crap?

There is a video of this event that discredits everything you wrote above. Good try.

Relax, chums, this is supposed to be a funny satire for debunks to enjoy--between therapy sessions. No--except for the side-bar--I don't think it's particularly witty either. But then some debunks prefer their funny with a side of swastikas and feces(cough--Pat of Screw Loose Change).

I suppose that explains everything.

Anonymous said...

Supporters of the official 911 conspiracy theory are accessories to genocide and the imposition of Orwellian tyrrany.